Augustodunum (Autun, Saône-et-Loire) dans la seconde moitié du IVe et au début du Ve siècle : nouveaux témoignages d’une production originale en os au Clos Jovet
An urban occupation sequence dating from the Augusto-Tiberian period to the early 5th century was uncovered during an archaeological diagnostic carried out by the Archaeology Service of the Ville d’Autun, not far from the imposing infrastructure, possibly a domus, that housed the so-called Bellerophon mosaic. Ditched structures from Late Antiquity were installed in a horizon of ’black earth’ dating from the end of the High Empire. Some indicate the presence of constructions made of perishable materials, others that of pits of various kinds reused as dumping grounds. The sediments yielded a wide range of artifacts : ceramic and glass tableware, coins, metal and bone objects, as well as evidence for the recycling of copper alloys, deer antler and bone waste. The latter come from workshops that produced, in particular, plates for decorating boxes, perhaps in the form of marquetry.