Conference Papers Year : 2024

The Corsica Sud-Archives [CO S-A] project or How to practice and share intangible heritage in a Mediterranean island territory

Le projet Corsica Sud-Archives [CO S-A] ou Comment pratiquer et partager le patrimoine immatériel dans un territoire insulaire méditerranéen


During two years (2021-2023), the project [CO S-A/Corsica Sud Archives] exchange scientific approaches, skills and technologies in order to connect the musical heritage of Corsica with the other resources of the French South region, to increase the circulation of knowledge, and also to improve the visibility of this musical data for musicians and researchers. Moreover, the challenge is to apply a musicological and anthropological reflection on oral tradition to the current and contemporary practice of these repertoires. This collaboration allows to develop in a dynamic way the cultural and historical bridge between artistic actors and the territorial collectivity of Corsica. Through the development of a sustainable relationship on the sharing of intangible archives, the team of [CO S-A] wants to question the methods of preservation and re-use of these archives, while promoting scientific research actions and cultural activities. In this way, we searched to think locally and ecologically about the relationships between this island territory, its cultural resources and the joint and collaborative action of artist-musicians and researcher-musicologists. We will develop the concept of the 'territory-laboratory' proposed by Bernard Stiegler as part of the L'Archipel du vivant project (Stiegler, 2020), which enables us to think of a territory as a place of experimentation conducive to producing social, economic and cultural innovations. To what extent does the research-creation project developed by [CO S-A] make it possible (1) to think about the link or relationship between tradition, creation and territory and (2) to awaken another form of "living together" thanks to listening shared by different audiences? Références
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  • HAL Id : halshs-04456751 , version 1


Josephine Simonnot, Christine Esclapez, Caroline Boë. The Corsica Sud-Archives [CO S-A] project or How to practice and share intangible heritage in a Mediterranean island territory. FARO CONVENTION INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE 2024: Transforming through co-creation : participatory heritage practices tackling urban challenges, UNESCO, Jan 2024, Porto, Portugal. ⟨halshs-04456751⟩
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