Tous les chemins mènent-ils à Lug ? Réflexions sur la recherche en mythologie irlandaise
Through the figure of the
god Lug, this article tackles the issue of how
to conduct research in Irish mythology. As
regards the choice of sources, the answer of
the debate between an approach based on
Irish medieval literature and an approach
that integrates other cultural and geogra-
phical areas lies in the ability to find consis-
tency between all the information used for
the study. As regards interpretation of Irish
medieval literary contents, our more and
more precise knowledge of this material
brings to light the difficulty in identifying
with certainty elements which exclusively
come from oral tradition or/and pre-Chris-
tian time. The example of the links of the
god called Lug with horses and assemblies
tends to show that Irish literature is not
to be considered as a monolithic corpus,
but rather a corpus shaped by different in-
fluences and having various origins.
Mots clés
Lug littérature irlandaise médiévale comparatisme tradition orale Lugnasad assemblées chevaux Lebor gabála Érenn Lug Irish medieval literature comparatism oral tradition Lugnasad assemblies horses Lebor gabála Érenn
littérature irlandaise médiévale
tradition orale
Lebor gabála Érenn Lug
Irish medieval literature
oral tradition
Lebor gabála Érenn
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