Damage assessment in Bosra (Southern Syria)
Since the 25th of March 2015 and the departure of the “regular army”, the city of Bosra is ruled by the “free army”, and access to the historical center and the archaeological remains is possible again.
After more than two years of intensive fighting between the “Regular Army”, positioned inside the Citadel (in particular inside the former “archaeologist house”, on top of tower 11), and the “Free Army”, disseminated in the historical center (north of the citadel), the scientific community feared a disastrous record regarding the many vestiges of this unique UNESCO site.
The data (pictures and video) received last two months from our contacts in Bosra, as well as more ancient information collected on DGAM and NGOs websites, allow us to attempt, in the frame of SHIRÎN, a new assessment of the damage suffered by the remains, at least for a few central monuments, and completes the initial damage assessment published by the DGAMS in sept. 2014.
Origin | Files produced by the author(s) |